Do you believe in the Son of Man?

Joh Farley
Pastor Teacher
April 3, 2022

Do you believe in the Son of Man?

Joh 9:29-41

There are few people in the world who are more obnoxious than a know-it-all.


Pro 26:12

If you think you know all the answers, you won’t let anybody enlighten you.

So you remain in the dark about a lot of things.

But what if we’re talking about God and salvation?

Remaining in the dark about these things has eternal consequences.

Mat 6:22-23

Here in chapter 9, the Pharisees thought that they knew a lot of things.

“We know.”
“We know”.


If you already think you’re righteous, you won’t be looking for your Savior.

Joh 9:16
Joh 9:24
Joh 9:29
Joh 9:34

Nobody could teach these Jewish leaders anything.

The formerly blind man was aware of what he knew - and what he did not know.

At the outset, he realized that he knew next to nothing about Jesus.

But he was eager to be enlightened about these things.

Joh 9:35-39

Joh 9:29

Joh 8:48

The man born blind knew some things that the “enlightened” Jews did not know…

Joh 9:30-31

The man had to enlighten the Jews about what was in their own Scriptures!

The notion that God does not hear sinners is an Old Testament teaching.

Isa 1:15

Also in the Old Testament, God does hear the prayers of the righteous.

Proverbs 15:29

In exceptional cases, God even answered a man’s prayer with a miracle.

2Ki 4:32-34

The man born blind knew something else that the learned Pharisees ignored.

Joh 9:32-33

Nicodemus acknowledged this about Jesus when he met Him at night.

Joh 3:1-2

Joh 9:34

He was his shepherd, and He will not lose one of His sheep.

Joh 9:35-39

Jesus allowed him to see something that the Jewish leaders refused to see.

Mat 13:16-17

The coming of the Son of Man. He is standing right in front of you!

Dan 7:13-14

Jesus asked the blind man the one question that would change his life forever.

Each and every person faces this same question.

Joh 3:16-18
Joh 11:25-26



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