The Name above all names.

John Farley
May 20, 2018

The Name above all names

Col 1:15-20

Col 1:15

Verse 15 is one of the clearest statements in the Bible about the deity of Christ.

“firstborn” means first in rank.
Existing before.

Christ is pre-eminent over all of creation.

He is prior to, and supreme over, all creation, since He is its Lord.

Col 1:18

The firstborn from the dead refers to His resurrection.

He is the first fruits of the new creation.

1Co 15:20-23

So Christ is pre-eminent over the original creation (which now groans…)

Rom 8:19-23

And Christ is pre-eminent over the new creation: He is the head of the body of Christ.

And Christ will come to have first place in everything – the entire new creation, when it all comes to fruition.

Heb 2:8

But He will be REVEALED as such to all of creation in the future.

Phi 2:9-11

Christ is the head of a new humanity – the church which is His body.

2Co 5:17

Eph 1:19-23

Christ is pre-eminent, first above all things, in resurrection as well as in creation.

1Co 15:20-28


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