Through His Poverty We are Rich.

2Co 8:1-15; 9:8; Mat 5:1-3; 1Co 12:24-26; Eph 4:32-5:2.

JOHN-167-240901 - length: 58:07 - taught on Sep, 1 2024

Class Outline:

John Farley
Pastor Teacher
September 1, 2024

No Sunday Service on September 15
No Bible study
on September 12

Through His poverty, we are rich

The NOT I BUT OTHERS life has several key proving grounds.

How we use the resources the LORD has given us -

- particularly
financial resources.

The most extensive teaching on Christian giving is found in
2 Corinthians 8 and 9.

2CO 8:1-15

Here we have the life of love: giving sacrificially so others may have a better life.

The intimate partnership between abundant joy and deep poverty.

MAT 5:1-3

From their affliction came an overflowing wealth of care and assistance for others.

2CO 8:3-4

This is how God gives - freely, graciously.

Love is giving sacrificially for the benefit of the one being loved.

They gave money that they needed for their daily bread.

2CO 9:8

The decision- the willingness, the desire, the resolve to give sacrificially- is ours.

The power and ability do not come from us. They come from the LORD.