Study of Romans

16 2010

We sow to the Spirit by believing the Mind of Christ

Point 7. The third type of repentance in the Church age believer’s life is the turning away from human viewpoint (lies, evil) and turning toward divine viewpoint (grace and truth), resulting in living a new...
14 2010

Our God can pull off 'always' and 'all things'

Point 7. The third type of repentance in the Church age believer’s life is the turning away from human viewpoint (lies, evil) and turning toward divine viewpoint (grace and truth), resulting in living a new life of...
12 2010

Believing is seeing

THE DOCTRINE OF REPENTANCE Point 7. The third type of repentance in the Church age believer’s life is the turning away from human viewpoint (lies, evil) and turning toward divine viewpoint (grace and truth), resulting in living a new...
09 2010

Step out by faith and you will be given that new territory

THE DOCTRINE OF REPENTANCE Point 7. The third type of repentance in the Church age believer’s life is the turning away from human viewpoint (lies, evil) and turning toward divine viewpoint (grace and truth),...
07 2010

The Holy Spirit has rivers of living water for those who believe

(There are no auto slides for this lesson, we apologize)   Pastor-Teacher John Farley Friday, May 7, 2010   ...
05 2010

Invest in the spiritual life, reap resurrection life

THE DOCTRINE OF REPENTANCE Point 7. The third type of repentance in the Church age believer’s life is the turning away from human viewpoint (lies, evil) and turning toward divine viewpoint (grace...
02 2010

We are in union with the life of the resurrected Christ

THE DOCTRINE OF REPENTANCE Point 7. The third type of repentance in the Church age believer’s life is the turning away from human viewpoint (lies, evil) and turning toward divine viewpoint (grace...
30 2010

Look at the things which are not seen, and live!

THE DOCTRINE OF REPENTANCE Point 7. The third type of repentance in the Church age believer’s life is the turning away from human viewpoint (lies, evil) and turning toward divine viewpoint (grace and...
28 2010

His life or yours?

THE DOCTRINE OF REPENTANCE The first type of repentance is a synonym for faith in connection with salvation. A change in mental attitude about the person and work of Christ equals repentance in connection with salvation. The second...
25 2010

God created the stars for great light, and the new man for a great new life

THE DOCTRINE OF REPENTANCE The first type of repentance is a synonym for faith in connection with salvation. A change in mental attitude about the person and work of Christ equals...
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