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05 2010


Pastor-Teacher John Farley Friday, March 5, 2010 NO MERIT ≠ NO MEANING God’s plan throughout all the ages is that He might be glorified by the grace that He dispenses to undeserving creatures. the lost sheep, LUK 15:4-7, the lost coin, LUK 15:8-10, the lost sons, LUK...
03 2010

The central truth of the shepherd parable: the joy God has over the 'repenting' men do

God’s plan throughout all the ages is that He might be glorified by the grace that He dispenses to undeserving creatures. “Superabundant Grace” by Kenneth...
28 2010

The holiness and love of God meet in His gracious work of restoration

God’s plan throughout all the ages is that He might be glorified by the grace that He dispenses to undeserving creatures. “Superabundant Grace” by Kenneth Wuest the...
26 2010

What the Pharisees should have learned from David, Isaiah and Ezekiel

God’s plan throughout all the ages is that He might be glorified by the grace that He dispenses to undeserving creatures. the lost sheep, LUK 15:4-7, the lost coin, LUK...
24 2010

Jesus lays His life down to preserve His Father's good name

God’s plan throughout all the ages is that He might be glorified by the grace that He dispenses to undeserving creatures. the lost sheep, LUK 15:4-7, the lost coin, LUK...
21 2010

Forgiveness doesn't happen without someone getting hurt Part 2

Pastor-Teacher John Farley Sunday, February 21, 2010 God’s plan throughout all the ages is that He might be glorified by the grace that He dispenses to undeserving creatures. the lost sheep, LUK 15:4-7, the lost coin, LUK 15:8-10, the lost sons, LUK 15:11-32. ...
19 2010

Forgiveness doesn't happen without someone getting hurt

God’s plan throughout all the ages is that He might be glorified by the grace that He dispenses to undeserving creatures. the lost sheep, LUK 15:4-7, the lost coin, LUK 15:8-10, the...
17 2010

The restoration cost Him dearly, so now our shepherd wants to share the joy

God’s plan throughout all the ages is that He might be glorified by the grace that He dispenses to undeserving creatures. the lost sheep, LUK 15:4-7, the lost coin, LUK...
14 2010

Self-righteousness keeps you in the wilderness

God’s plan throughout all the ages is that He might be glorified by the grace that He dispenses to undeserving creatures. the lost sheep, LUK 15:4-7, the lost coin, LUK 15:8-10, the lost sons,...
12 2010

All of the restorative work is done by the good shepherd

God’s plan throughout all the ages is that He might be glorified by the grace that He dispenses to undeserving creatures. the lost sheep, LUK 15:4-7, the lost coin, LUK 15:8-10, the...
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