I am missing the needed chromosome.

Jam 4:1-10; Rom 3:21-25; 7:18-8:5; Jam 4:17; 1:21-22; 1:1-12; 2Co 1:3-11

PRCHR-63-160807 - length: 50:58 - taught on Aug, 7 2016

Class Outline:

John Farley
August 7, 2016



Basic Training Bible Ministries is led by Gene Cunningham with his wife Nancy as his support and companion. 

Their mission includes evangelism and the training of pastors and workers in remote regions of the world.

Gene has been instrumental in establishing Bible schools in Africa, India and Papua New Guinea. 

Nancy holds classes for the pastors' wives. She has also developed Bible schools for children in both India and Papa New Guinea.

They also conduct missions training camps in North America and Australia to train others to do the same.


Practical Christianity:

I am missing the needed chromosome

For those becoming more pure in heart, how they live …

…how they live starts to line up more and more with what they claim to believe.

JAM 4:1-10

Having wrong motives is the opposite of being pure in heart.

An adulteress is a two-timer.
The pure in heart are single-minded.


Purify your hearts, you double-minded.

But of course we cannot, not without help.

I am missing the needed chromosome.

“without Me you can do nothing”.

We are helpless without the governing power of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus.

Paul wrote Romans 1:18-3:20 to convict all men and women of our sinfulness…

…so we would understand the blessing provided by the blood of Christ.

ROM 3:21-25

Then Paul wrote Romans 7 to humble us and help us realize…

that we are sanctified by Christ and the Holy Spirit.

ROM 7:18-25 - ROM 8:1-5

JAM 4:17

JAM 1:21-22

1. Put away the bad old attitudes and behaviors.

2. Have your mind renewed by having the word richly dwell within you.

3. Step forward by putting on the good new heart attitudes and behaviors.

Have James bring up a subject, and then turn to Jesus and Paul to have a full “discussion” as it were of the subject.

A school where the teachers are Jesus, Paul, and James.

Jesus will set the vision.

James will describe how it looks on the ground level.

Paul teaches how the Lord and the Spirit get it done for us.

JAM 1:1-12

James writes to the twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad.

So James is writing to Jewish believers in Christ who have fallen on hard times.

It means to hang in there under pressure, perhaps for a long time.