The Activity of the Spirit in the Lives of Church Age Believers, Part 9

Joh 20:30-31, 14:16-17; Eph 3:4-6; Col 1:26-27; Joh 3:14-18

HSCH-11-130414 - length: 69:13 - taught on Apr, 14 2013

Class Outline:

John Farley
April 14, 2013

The Activity of the Holy Spirit in the lives of Church Age believers, part 9.

Meditation on the Lighthouse Bible Church Youth Group 2013 Les Miserables Tent at the Deerfield Beach American Cancer Society Relay for Life


The horrible moment when we learned that someone we love has cancer.

So what do we learn from the LIGHT, from Christ?


A heart will never be fully revealed
or completely alive
Until it has been allowed to break
And then

restored to hope
By being allowed to love again
Many times over
In the same place
It was originally broken

We are going to proceed book by book in the New Testament and spend time on books that feature our subject: the activity of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church.

Gospel of John
Acts (with care)
1 & 2 Corinthians
1&2 Thessalonians

The Gospel of John.

Overview and Introduction.

The purpose of the Gospel of John is to provide overwhelming proof that Jesus Christ is God, such that the soul who realizes this will choose to believe in Jesus Christ and receive eternal life.

The theme of the Gospel of John is the Deity
of Jesus Christ.

The book is filled with Deity. The Deity of Christ is presented in every chapter, in varying and convincing ways.

We have to know that there is a Second Person in the Godhead before we are prepared to learn that there is a Third Person in the Godhead.

Matthew, Mark, and Luke are called the “synoptic Gospels”.
The word synoptic means “seen together as with the same eyes”.

The fourth gospel, the Gospel of John, has been called the maverick gospel. It is very different from the first three.

Matthew, Mark, and Luke recount many of the same events. They follow a very similar sequence to one another. They use similar wording.

John wrote his gospel last. So it is quite probable that John had access to the first three in some form.

What do we call the #4 hitter in baseball? The “cleanup” hitter.

As the last gospel written, John completes the record of what God wants us to know concerning the life, death, resurrection and Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Matthew portrays Jesus as the Son of David, the Heir of Israel’s throne, the King of the Jews - in two words, the Jewish Messiah.

In Mark, we find Jesus displayed as the Servant of God.

Mark wrote for
Gentile readers in general and Roman readers
in particular.
Mark’s Gospel emphasizes what Jesus did
rather than what He said.

Mark’s gospel contains 45% story and 55% teaching, while John’s gospel contains only 16% story and 84% teaching!

Luke deals with the humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ.

John’s Gospel sees the Lord Jesus Christ as the Heavenly One
come down to earth, the eternal Son of the Father made flesh…in a word, as God.


The Gospel is:

Matthew to the Jew first
Mark also to Greek
Luke the Son of Man
John the Son of God


Emphasizing the Lord as:

Matthew King
Mark Servant
Luke Human
John God


There is the revelation that the Gentiles are fellow heirs with the Jews in the Body of Christ.