Rom 5:10; Eph 1:7; 1Pe 2:24; Eph 2:8; 1Co 1:18; Rom 8:29; 1Pe 1:3-5; Joh 3:16-17; 1Ti 4:10
BAS-16-120313 - length: 60:46 - taught on Mar, 13 2012
Class Outline:
Original artwork by Deacon Rick Bettez of Grace Bible Church, Somerset MA
“Soteriology” comes from the Greek word “soter” meaning “savior”.
Soteriology is the study of salvation, which is the work of the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ.
When Adam and the woman sinned, they lost their perfect condition and perfect environment.
They became subject to both spiritual and physical death.
Their nature was now totally depraved.
God charged Adam with sin, and subsequently charged his descendants with the penalty for Adam’s first sin.
Once a person is condemned, it makes him eligible to receive a Savior.
The penalties that rest on all who remain under Adam include:
(1) physical death
(2) spiritual death
(3) the second death
Physical death = separation of the soul from the body
Spiritual death = separation of the soul from God through loss of the function of the human spirit.
Second death = eternal separation from God and banishment from His presence forever.
Because of sin, God and man were in a relationship of hostility and enmity.
That act was
the spiritual death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary in 30 AD, where He offered His life as a substitute for
all mankind.
Salvation is
God’s complete work by which He
rescues man
from eternal ruin,
and bestows on him
the riches of His grace.
If the penalty is gone, it is because a Substitute has met the righteous demands against the sinner.
“the blood of Christ” is an analogy to represent the substitutionary spiritual death of Christ.
Physical death
PAST = passages which speak of salvation being completed for the one who has believed. Salvation from the PENALTY of sin.
PRESENT = the present deliverance from the reigning POWER of sin.
FUTURE = the believer will be saved into full conformity with the Lord Jesus Christ.
remove the penalty of sin.
remove the guilt of sin.
satisfy the justice of God.
end the enmity and restore peace.
He ditched the old model, started from scratch, made us new creatures in Christ, and has graced us out with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.